Title Graphics

Pentecost PowerPoint Template

By: Letters & Arts Artists

Pentecost PowerPoint Template
Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 1
Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 2
Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 3
Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 4

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Description: Pentecost! What an experience it must have been to be in that upper room when the Holy Spirit descended with the sound of a mighty rushing wind. His ministry has not diminished since Pentecost, and believers today enjoy his indwelling presence. In this Pentecost PowerPoint template, the word "Pentecost" is scripted on a beautiful blue floral backdrop. A seal with a dove image is at the center of the Powerpoint, and Acts 2 is the featured Scripture.

Tags Used: day of pentecost, holy spirit fire, pentecost day, pentecost sunday, gift holy spirit, the day of pentecost, holy spirit images, who is the holy spirit, pentecost feast, pentecost powerpoint, the holy spirit, holy spirit baptism, the pentecost, holy spirit bible, baptism of the holy spirit, pentecost sermon, powerpoint sermon, church powerpoint, powerpoint template, pentecost powerpoint template, acts, acts 2, dove

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