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Power of the Spirit Worship Service PowerPoint

By: Letters & Arts Artists

Power of the Spirit Worship Service PowerPoint
Power of the Spirit Worship Service PowerPoint Thumbnail 1
Power of the Spirit Worship Service PowerPoint Thumbnail 2
Power of the Spirit Worship Service PowerPoint Thumbnail 3
Power of the Spirit Worship Service PowerPoint Thumbnail 4

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Description: Symbolizing the power of the Spirit of God, a man in a full suit of armor in front of an ancient Cross Moline. With Acts 1:8 as a backdrop stating the coming of the power of the Holy Spirit enabling the mission of the Gospel of Christ being spread to the ends of the earth. The power of the Spirit of God is in all those that are called according to His purpose to fulfill the Great Commission.

Tags Used: power of the holy spirit, acts 1:8, spirit filled, holy spirit, great advocate, spirit of truth, spirit of god, witnesses, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, pentecost, shavuot, testify, spirit filled, bible, armor of god, Ruach HaKodesh, spirit divine, spirit of the living god, intercessor, counselor, spirit of worship, pouring out of the spirit, sword of the spirit, gospel, put on the full armor, ephesians 6:11