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Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template

By: Letters & Arts Artists

Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template
Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 1
Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 2
Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 3
Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 4
Outpouring of the Spirit Pentecost PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 5

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Description: The Spirit of God descended on the followers of Christ at Pentecost with the sound of a mighty wind enabling them to speak in the tongues of those around them and proclaim the Gospel of Christ. This same great Counselor gives us guidance even today as we spread the word of God to all the nations.

Tags Used: outpouring of the holy spirit, flaming tongues, acts 2:3, spirit filled, holy spirit, great advocate, spirit of truth, spirit of god, gift of the spirit, pentecost, shavuot, testifying, speaking in tongues, bible, baptism of the holy spirit, tongues of fire, Ruach HaKodesh, spirit divine, spirit of the living god, intercessor, counselor, spirit of worship, pouring out of the spirit, spirit descends, hearts aflame, pentecostal