Title Graphics

Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint Template

By: Letters & Arts Artists

Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint Template
Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 1
Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 2
Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 3
Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 4

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Description: The Spirit is not a force. The Spirit is not an impersonal being. The Spirit is God Himself--the Spirit of God. He is all powerful, and possesses incredible creative action, as Psalm 104 teaches. This Holy Spirit Baptism PowerPoint template draws attention to the deity of the Spirit and his life-changing power. It pictures a man with his head buried in his arms in prayer. The title banner reads "Spirit of God" in large, striking text.

Tags Used: holy spirit baptism, the holy spirit, the day of pentecost, holy spirit fire, pentecost sermon, holy spirit sermon, baptism of the holy spirit, pentecost powerpoint, gifts of the holy spirit, pentecost powerpoint template, powerpoint sermon, pentecost day, holy spirit images, holy spirit, church powerpoint, pentecost sunday, who is the holy spirit, the pentecost, holy spirit gifts, powerpoint template, gift holy spirit, pentecost feast, holy spirit bible, holy spirit powerpoint, psalms, psalm 104, prayer

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