Luke 20 Taxes For Caesar Kids Bible Story
By: Sharefaith

Description: Taxes for Caesar (Luke 20) This powerful Sunday School lesson is drawn from Luke 20, where Jesus delivers a timeless lesson about authority. Teach your children the importance of showing respect to parents, teachers, leaders and, most of all, God! With tons of interactive content that includes: Q&A, memory verse, big idea, and much more you can’t afford not to have this Taxes for Caesar Sunday School resources.
More From This Lesson: Luke 20 Taxes For Caesar Sunday School Lesson
Taxes for Caesar is a powerful Sunday School lesson drawn from Luke 20. This lesson involves a trick question, an astounding answer, and a timeless lesson about authority. Your kids will learn the importance of showing respect to all authority figures: parents, teachers, leaders and, most of all, God! Inside this lesson you will find an inspiring kids Bible story that features a stunning lesson video, fun activities, volunteer-friendly curriculum and so much more! Teach your kids a Sunday School lesson they will never forget with Taxes for Caesar.