Title Graphics

Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design

By: Sharefaith

Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 1
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 2
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 3
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 4
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 5
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 6
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 7
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 8
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 9
Palm Sunday PowerPoint Design Thumbnail 10

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Powerpoint ZIP

Description: On Palm Sunday, the receiving crowds of Jerusalem prophesied the kingly triumph of Jesus. This event is significant in the Bible for many reasons. As you preach this event, and the salvation which Jesus accomplished. this is the perfect PowerPoint to use. Featured is an image of Jerusalem and the silhouette of a palm branch.

Tags Used: palm sunday powerpoints, palm sunday, palm, jerusalem, city, king of kings, matthew, hosanna, passion week, branch, israel, easter, church powerpoints

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