Brushstroke Bread
By: Rachel Barrett
Jesus the Servant Washes Feet
By: Kurt McClung
Judas Kiss of Betrayal
Offering a Cup of Wine
Breaking Bread
Jesus Washing Feet
Jesus Institutes the Lord's Supper
Simple Sandals and Bowl with Maundy Thursday
By: Letters & Arts Artists
Simple Sandals and Bowl
By: Sharefaith
Holy Week Crosses with Palm Leaf and Wash Bowl
Lent Wash Basin
By: Cross Collection
Soldiers Take Jesus from the Garden
Hands Open Toward Communion Elements
By: Randy Rocchi
Watercolor Candle with Bread and Wine
Jesus Breaks Bread at the Last Supper
By: Karen Soleau
The Last Supper by Da Vinci
Black and White Communion Cup in Hands
Brushstroke Hands Raising Chalice
Hand Washing in Bowl
Maundy Thursday Washing Materials
Maundy Thursday Wash Bowl
Maundy Thursday Washing Feet
Foot Washing for Maundy Thursday