Title Graphics

Vacation Bible School PowerPoint

By: Letters & Arts Artists

Vacation Bible School PowerPoint
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 1
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 2
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 3
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 4
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 5
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 6
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 7
Vacation Bible School PowerPoint Thumbnail 8

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Powerpoint ZIP

Description: Get the kids excited (and the adults chuckling) with this all-out-fun Vacation Bible School PowerPoint. Lion, tiger, monkey,and giraffe poke their heads through a green jungle of leaves. Vacation Bible School really is "the adventure of the lifetime," as the powerpoint template displays. This PowerPoint has a lot of green, a lot of animal friends, and promises a lot of fun for your VBS program.

Tags Used: vacation bible school, vbs, children, kids, youth, summer camp, bible camp, powerpoint slide templates, powerpoint sermon, VBS powerpoint, animals powerpoint, tiger, powerpoint background templates, lion, church powerpoint, powerpoint slide design, monkey, powerpoint graphics, powerpoint design templates, giraffe, jungle, adventure powerpoint, kids powerpoint, powerpoint presentation templates

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