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The Exodus Story Sunday School Crossword Puzzles

By: Sharefaith

The Exodus Story Sunday School Crossword Puzzles Thumbnail Showcase

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Description: Both fun, and a fantastic teaching tool, these Exodus story Sunday school crossword puzzles are a great classroom resource. Watch as your kids open their Bibles to find answers to lesson-based questions about Pharaoh, Moses, the Red Sea crossing, the Passover story and more.

Tags Used: The Exodus Story, Moses, Passover, Exodus 12, Exodus 13, Exodus 14, Exodus 15, Sunday School Lesson, Activity, Print Activity, Crossword, Crossword Puzzle

More From This Lesson: Exodus 14 The Exodus Story Childrens Bible Lesson

This Sunday School lesson from Sharefaith Kids centers on an astounding story of Deliverance! Based on the Exodus 12-15 account God, using Moses and Aaron, saves his people from slavery by bringing them out of Egypt and through the Red Sea. This kids Bible story will remind your class of the mighty saving power of God. As God delivered the Hebrews, he can deliver all from the bondage of sin through his son Jesus Christ.