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Spread The Joy Christmas PowerPoint

By: Letters & Arts Artists

Spread The Joy Christmas PowerPoint
Spread The Joy Christmas PowerPoint Thumbnail 1
Spread The Joy Christmas PowerPoint Thumbnail 2
Spread The Joy Christmas PowerPoint Thumbnail 3
Spread The Joy Christmas PowerPoint Thumbnail 4

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Description: Three Christmas ornaments hanging in the air are featured in this fun Christmas PowerPoint template from Sharefaith. The theme is "Spread the Joy" with the scripture passage, John 3:16 which speaks of the gift of God's Son to the world. The PowerPoint template includes blank slides with just the images and also a slide for announcements.

Tags Used: advent, advent program templates, christmas, christmas ornaments, christmas powerpoint template, christmas powerpoints, john 3:16, joy, red, snowflakes, stars, nativity, birth of jesus, christmas media, carols, cantata