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Nativity PowerPoint Sermon Template

By: Emily van Wyk

Nativity PowerPoint Sermon Template
Nativity PowerPoint Sermon Template Thumbnail 1
Nativity PowerPoint Sermon Template Thumbnail 2
Nativity PowerPoint Sermon Template Thumbnail 3
Nativity PowerPoint Sermon Template Thumbnail 4

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Description: In a perfect blend of winter feel and Christmas spirit, this PowerPoint expresses the power of the Christmas event: Jesus, King of Kings, coming to earth to be born in a stable. The incarnation is a glorious reality that affects our daily lives. This PowerPoint quotes Isaiah 9:6 in which Jesus' birth is prophesied.

Tags Used: nativity powerpoints, baby Jesus, christmas powerpoints, counselor, everlasting, his name, isaiah, manger, nativity scene, prophecy, prophesy, snow, unto us a child is born, advent, christmas media