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Matthew 6 Do Not Worry Curriculum

By: Sharefaith

Matthew 6 Do Not Worry Curriculum Thumbnail Showcase

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Description: The Matthew 6 Do Not Worry Curriculum empowers you to confidently teach an inspiring Sunday School lesson to your kids. This must-have teaching resource is packed with content that includes key teaching points, activities, Q&A discussions, closing prayer and so much more!

Tags Used: Matthew 6, Matthew 6:19-34, Do Not Worry, Sunday School Lesson, Curriculum

More From This Lesson: Matthew 6 Do Not Worry Sunday School Lesson

Do Not Worry is an encouraging Sunday School lesson that brings to life the verses Matthew 6. During this lesson your class will be reminded that as followers of Jesus we don't need to worry. God will never leave us or forsake us, he is faithful and he always provide for our needs. Inside this Sunday School lesson you will find a powerful kids Bible story that features a vibrant lesson video, interactive activities, volunteer-friendly curriculum and so much more! Encourage your kids with this timeless lesson about worry and God's faithful love.