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Matthew 4 Jesus Tempted Sunday School Coloring Pages

By: Sharefaith

Matthew 4 Jesus Tempted Sunday School Coloring Pages Thumbnail Showcase

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Description: The story of Jesus tempted is filled with memorable moments as recorded in Matthew 1:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13. With these Jesus temped printable Sunday school activity pages your kids can unleash their creativity and bring these passages to life!

Tags Used: Jesus Tempted, Temptation of Jesus, Matthew 4, Mark 1, Luke 4, Sunday School Lesson, Activity, Print Activity, Coloring, Coloring Pages

More From This Lesson: Matthew 4 Jesus Tempted Childrens Bible Lesson

This Sunday School lesson from Sharefaith Kids brings to life the amazing account of Jesus in the wilderness as he is tempted by Satan. As recorded in Matthew 4, Mark 1 and Luke 4 this story finds Jesus powerfully rebuking Satan with the Word of God. Excellent for teaching your class the importance of knowing Scripture this kids Bible lesson is not to be missed!