Jonah And The Whale Kids Bible Story
By: Sharefaith

Description: The classic story of Jonah and the whale. This Bible adventure begins with God calling the prophet Jonah to the wicked city of Nineveh. Jonah refuses, and runs from God. After boarding a ship bound for Tarshish, Jonah gets thrown overboard and swallowed up by a giant fish (some think it was a whale)! With 70 slides worth of content, this Jonah and the whale slideshow is an incredible Sunday school resource. Biblical and inspiring, your kids will love it!
More From This Lesson: Jonah and the Whale Childrens Bible Lesson
This Sunday School lesson from Sharefaith Kids brings to life the classic Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale. While running from God, the prophet Jonah is thrown overboard and then swallowed up by a giant fish (some think it was a whale). This kids Bible lesson from the book of Jonah is a great reminder that God loves all people and we should too!