
Good Friday Flyer

By: Jay Dee Barry

Good Friday Flyer Thumbnail Showcase

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Description: During Easter time, the cross receives much more attention. You can capitalize on the significance of the cross, using this Easter flyer. Its striking yellow and brown tones work well as an eye-catching announcement format. The decorative clouds and rays in the background are unique and give an appropriate emphasis to the design of the flyer.

Tags Used: Christian easter, arose, black friday, church event, church flyer, clouds, cross, crucifixion, easter Sunday, easter day, easter sermon, easter week, easter worship, flyer, flyer template, good Friday, grave, great friday, he lives, holy friday, holy week, jesus crucifixion, life, microsoft word template, paschal, passion, passion week, passover, pilate, religious, resurrection, resurrection sunday, risen, sacrifice, salvation, tomb, trial of jesus, veneration, worship flyer