Worship Videos

Fall Peaceful River Religious Worship Vidoe Loop

By: Sharefaith Video Team

Description: Autumn limbs with painted, crimson, marigold, chartreuse, magenta and golden leaves, gently cascading over a placid lake. This scene is the picture of Psalm 1:3 that tells of the blessing in delighting in God: "he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that yields its fruit in season".

Tags Used: autmn, background worship videos, changes, chartreuse, church motion backgrounds, church worship loops, church worship videos, colorful, crimson, fall, green, hope, lake, magenta and golden leaves, marigold, motion background videos, motion worship loops, motionless, painted, placid, placid lake, planted by streams, praise, river, serene, stream, sunlight, tranquil, video, videos for worship, water, widescreen worship videos, worship, worship background videos, worship backgrounds, worship loop, worship loops, worship motion loops, worship videos

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