Cain And Able Kids Bible Lesson
By: Sharefaith
Description: This story of Cain and Abel kids Bible lesson explores Genesis , a tragic story of sibling rivalry. This kids Bible story examines the hearts of both Cain & Abel, it shows how the attitudes of their hearts shaped the direction of their lives. The Q&A, closing prayer and lesson artwork are all great tools to explore the themes of this lesson from the book of Genesis.
More From This Lesson: Genesis 4 Cain and Abel Bible Lessons for Kids
This Sunday School lesson from Sharefaith Kids explores a painful story of sibling rivalry. As told in Genesis 4 Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel. When God rejected the sacrifice of Cain while accepting the offering Abel, Cain murdered his brother out of jealousy. This kids Bible lesson is a great reminder that God has made us in his image to help, not hurt, each other.