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Away In a Manger Church PowerPoint Template

By: Sharefaith

Away In a Manger Church PowerPoint Template
Away In a Manger Church PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 1
Away In a Manger Church PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 2
Away In a Manger Church PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 3
Away In a Manger Church PowerPoint Template Thumbnail 4

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Description: This beautiful PowerPoint evokes the reverence and awe of that first Christmas. The stained glass style artwork brings out a sense of elegance and beauty. You'll find that this tastefully-designed Christmas PowerPoint sermon will help you better celebrate the season.

Tags Used: christmas powerpoints, christmas powerpoint, nativity powerpoints, away in a manger, mary, joseph, baby jesus, messiah, nativity, christmas, stained glass, powerpoint templates, christmas sermons, advent, nativity, carol, birth