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1 Samuel 14 Jonathan and his Armor Bearer Sunday School Curriculum

By: Sharefaith

1 Samuel 14 Jonathan and his Armor Bearer Sunday School Curriculum Thumbnail Showcase

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Description: The 1 Samuel 14 Jonathan and his Armor Bearer Sunday School Curriculum empowers you to confidently teach an inspiring Sunday School lesson to your kids. This must-have teaching resource is packed with content that includes key teaching points, activities, Q&A discussions, closing prayer and so much more!

Tags Used: Jonathan and his Armor Bearer, Armor Bearer, King Saul, Jonathan, 1 Samuel 14, Sunday School Lesson, Curriculum

More From This Lesson: Jonathan and His Armor Bearer Kids Bible Lessons

This Sunday School lesson from Sharefaith Kids brings to life the daring plan of Jonathan and his armor bearer. As recorded in 1 Samuel 14, King Saul trembled in fear as the Philistine army approached. But Jonathan and his armor bearer trusted God and sprung into action. God honored their faith and the two took on the entire Philistine army by themselves!