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Bride of Christ PowerPoint Slideshow

By: Kerrie Hubbard

Bride of Christ PowerPoint Slideshow
Bride of Christ PowerPoint Slideshow Thumbnail 1
Bride of Christ PowerPoint Slideshow Thumbnail 2
Bride of Christ PowerPoint Slideshow Thumbnail 3
Bride of Christ PowerPoint Slideshow Thumbnail 4

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Description: The Christian church is also referred to as the Bride of Christ. This sermon PowerPoint Presentation includes 7 slides. Along with a Welcome slide and a blank slide, this set includes the phrase "Are You Ready for the Bridegroom. In addition, several slides includes Scriptures referring to the Bride of Christ, including Ephesians 5:27 that speaks of the Glorious Church, 2 Corinthians 11:2 that presents God as a jealous God, and Revelation 19:9 that speaks of the marriage supper of the lamb.

Tags Used: a ready bride, bride of christ powerpoint, christian imagery, christian principle, christian slideshow, church overhead, church projection media, content slides, end times, eschatology, marriage supper of the lamb, religious slideshows, spiritual wedding, the bride of christ powerpoint presentation, the bridegroom christian slides, the church powerpoints, title slides, without spot or wrinkle